Galapagos Species Database
The Galapagos Species Database shares the information about the species from our Natural History Collections.
Setophaga petechia aureola
Reinita Amarilla, Canario María, Yellow Warbler, Mangrove Warbler

The only bright yellow bird with a bright, sweet song. Together with the population from the Coco islands, it is considered a sub-species (Setophaga petechia aureola) characterized by the brown-reddish cap on it’s head. Genetic divergence is low. Probably colonized the archipelago less than 300 000 yrs ago.
Threats As a mainly insectivorous species, it may be affected by pesticide use and it is affected by Plasmodium and by the parasitic fly Philornis downsi that may cause heavy chick mortality.
Taxon category: Species with Infraspecific Taxa
Syn.: Dendroica petechia aureola (Gould, 1839); Sylvicola aureola Gould, 1841; Dendroica aureola Ridgway, 1890; Dendroica petechia Linnaeus, 1766; Dendroica petechia galapagoensis Sundevall 1869.
Origin: Endemic
Feeding preferences: Feeds on arthropods foraged on the ground or, in the intertidal zone, on invertebrates. May also, very occasionally, eat fruits. Common visitor to flowers and potential pollen vector. Loves to steal sugar in coffee places in town!
Trophic role: Carnivorous
Reproductive biology: Nests in the warm season from December to May. Cup nests in trees with 2 to 3 eggs.
Map of specimen collection localities or observation records for this species in our collections database.
Distribution: Present on all Islands from the shoreline up to the highest points.
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"Galapagos Species Database, Setophaga petechia aureola", dataZone. Charles Darwin Foundation, Accessed 26 March 2025.
Feeding type: Insectivorous