Galapagos Species Database

The Galapagos Species Database shares the information about the species from our Natural History Collections.

Scalesia pedunculata Hook. f.

lechoso, Scalesia tree

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A branching tree often covered in moss. The huge tabacco-shaped leaves are delicately fragrent.

Be found in mesic or wet sites.





Magnoliopsida (= Dicotyledoneae)





Taxon category: Species with Infraspecific Taxa

Syn.: Scalesia pedunculata var. pedunculata Hook. f.; S. pedunculata var. parviflora J.T. Howell; S. ovata Andersson fide Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew & Missouri Botanical Garden (2010).

Origin: Endemic




Distribution: This species is present on the islands of Santa Cruz, Santiago, Floreana and San Cristóbal, all of which have severely declined due to the conversion of their habitat to agriculture, the invasion of introduced plants and damage caused by feral and domestic animals. The population continues to decline.


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  • Lawesson, J.E. Ortiz, L. (1987) Plantas Introducidas en las Islas Galápagos Memorias. Investigación Botánica y Manejo en Galápagos. Pg.224-235
  • Cayot, L. J. (1987) Ecology of Giant Tortoise (Geochelone elephantopus)in the Galápagos Islands. Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Biology in the Graduate School of Syracuse University.
  • Jaramillo, P. (2000) Plantas amenazadas y medidas de conservación en varias islas del archipiélago. Informe Galápagos, 70-76 (Eds P. Ospina and E. Muñoz.). Quito-Ecuador: Fundación Natura y el Fondo Mundial para la Naturaleza (WWF).
  • León-Yánez, S. Valencia, R., N. Pitman, L. Endara, C. Ulloa Ulloa & H. Navarrete (2011) Libro rojo de las plantas endémicas del Ecuador. 2 da. Edición. Publicaciones del Herbario QCA, Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, Quito. Pp. 957.

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"Galapagos Species Database, Scalesia pedunculata", dataZone. Charles Darwin Foundation, Accessed 6 October 2024.