Galapagos Species Database

The Galapagos Species Database shares the information about the species from our Natural History Collections.

Camarhynchus parvulus (Gould, 1837)

Pinzón de árbol pequeño, Pinzón arboreo pequeño, Small Tree Finch

Camarhynchus parvulus Gould, 1837, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos. Photo: Paul McFarling, CDF, 2001.
Camarhynchus parvulus Gould, 1837, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos. Photo: Paul McFarling, CDF, 2001.

Smallest of the Darwin tree finches, 13 gr average, same as small ground finch. Short conical beak. Males develop a black hood with age, starting with face and head, while upper parts are olive green and underparts creamy. Males in San Cristóbal hardly ever have black plumage, but upper breast is heavily streaked. Females and young males have green-olive upper parts and creamy to yellowish underparts.

Threats Known to be affected by the parasitic fly Philornis downsi that causes heavy chick mortality. Recent studies showed very low breeding success that may cause long term population collapse.










Taxon category: Accepted

Syn.: Camarhynchus parvulus parvulus (Gould 1837); Camarhynchus parvulus salvini Ridgway 1894; Geospiza parvulus (Gould, 1837); Camarhynchus prosthemelas (Schlater & Salvin, 1870).

Origin: Endemic


Least concern


Habitat preferences: Found in forests both in the humid and more arid transition zones.

Feeding type: Polyphagous

Approx. 50% of diet comprises insects and larvae foraged mainly from trees and moss above ground level although they do occasionally forage on the ground. The other half of their diet comprises fruits, seeds, young leaves, flowers and nectar. There is variation in the diet between the humid and arid zones, and between seasons (more fruit is eaten in the dry season).

Trophic role: Omnivorous

Reproduction mode: Exclusively sexual

Reproductive biology: Male displays in front of a dome shape nest high up in the canopy. Once chosen, the pair either use this nest or build a new one. Only females incubate (two to three eggs), both feed the chicks. Fledglings stay for up to 6 weeks with a parent, either with the male while the female starts a new clutch, or, one with the female and the other with the male.


Map of specimen collection localities or observation records for this species in our collections database.

Distribution: Found on Isabela, Fernandina, Santa Cruz, Santiago, San Cristobal, Floreana, Baltra, Santa Fe, Pinzon y Rabida. Has been seen on Pinta but it is not known if there isa breeding population there. Found mostly in the highlands and the transitional zone.


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"Galapagos Species Database, Camarhynchus parvulus", dataZone. Charles Darwin Foundation, Accessed 12 February 2025.