Galapagos Species Database

The Galapagos Species Database shares the information about the species from our Natural History Collections.

Certhidea olivacea Gould, 1837

Pinzón Reinita Verde, Pinzón cantor verde, Green Warbler Finch

Green Warbler Finch, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos. Photo: CDF Archive.
Green Warbler Finch, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos. Photo: CDF Archive.

The smallest of all Darwin finches, about 8 grams, and the species with the thinnest beak.

Threats Seems strongly affected by the parasitic introduced fly Philornis downsi, particularly in conjunction with heavy rainfall when parents are not able to feed the chicks extra to compensate for the blood loss. Pox prevalence was also found to increase for this species.










Taxon category: Accepted

This species is closely related to the Grey Warbler Finch, and were formerly considered conspecfic, but both species differ in appearance, distribution, habitat, and song. Syn.: Certhidea olivacea ridgwayi Rothschild & Hartert, 1899, Certhidea olivacea olivacea Gould, 1837, Certhidea olivacea mentalis Ridgway, 1894, Certhidea olivacea luteola Ridgway, 1894, Certhidea olivacea cinerascens Ridgway, 1890, Certhidea olivacea bifasciata Ridgway, 1894, Certhidea olivacea becki Rothschild, 1898.

Origin: Endemic




Preference for an altitude zone in Galapagos: Dry zone - humid zone

Substrate or host preferences: Forages in trees and shrubs, searching foliage leaf clusters and epiphytes and probing mosses (especially during the dry season), for arthropods.

Feeding type: Insectivorous

Trophic role: Carnivorous

Reproductive biology: Male displays in front of a dome shape nest. Once chosen, the pair either use this nest or build a new one. Only females incubate (two to three eggs), both feed the chicks. Fledglings stay for up to 6 weeks with a parent, either with the male while the female starts a new clutch, or, one with the female and the other with the male.


Distribution: C. olivacea is found on the larger central and western islands. Present on Pinzón, Fernandina, Isabela, Rabida, Santa Cruz, Santiago Islands.


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"Galapagos Species Database, Certhidea olivacea", dataZone. Charles Darwin Foundation, Accessed 23 October 2024.