Galapagos Species Database

The Galapagos Species Database shares the information about the species from our Natural History Collections.

Geospiza fortis Gould, 1837

Pinzón Terrestre Mediano, Pinzón mediano de tierra, Medium Ground Finch

Medium Ground Finch in Floreana, Galapagos. Photo: Michael Dvorak, CDF.
Medium Ground Finch in Floreana, Galapagos. Photo: Michael Dvorak, CDF.

In Santa Cruz, there are small beaked and large beaked birds; the latter can be confused with large ground finches, but beak depth is less and overall impression is smaller than large ground finch.

Threats Main threats are probably rats and disease. It is known to be affected by the parasitic fly Philornis downsi that causes heavy chick mortality.










Taxon category: Accepted

Syn: Geospiza dubia (Gould, 1837); Geospiza dentirostris (Gould, 1837).

Origin: Endemic


Least concern


Feeding type: Granivorous

Seed and flowers

Feeding preferences: Mainly seed eater but visits also flowers and may be an important pollen vector.

Trophic role: Herbivorous

Reproduction mode: Exclusively sexual

Reproductive biology: Male displays in front of a dome shape nest, often built in Opuntia cacti. Only females are incubating (three to five eggs), both feed the chicks.


Map of specimen collection localities or observation records for this species in our collections database.

Distribution: Widespread on all main islands except Darwin, Genovesa, and Wolf (where one was collected in 1906). In 1905-1906 fifteen non-breeding birds were collected on Española, but they may be stragglers or part of a now-extinct population.


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"Galapagos Species Database, Geospiza fortis", dataZone. Charles Darwin Foundation, Accessed 23 October 2024.