Galapagos Species Database

The Galapagos Species Database shares the information about the species from our Natural History Collections.

Microlophus grayii Bell, 1843

Lagartija de lava de Floreana, Floreana Lava Lizard

Microlophus grayii Bell, 1843, Floreana Island. Photo: Paul McFarling, CDF, 2002.
Microlophus grayii Bell, 1843, Floreana Island. Photo: Paul McFarling, CDF, 2002.










Taxon category: Accepted

Syn.: Tropidurus grayii Bell, 1843

Origin: Endemic


Near threatened


Distribution: Floreana Island, Champion, Gardner by Floreana, Caldwell and Enderby Islets.


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  • Carrillo, E. Aldás, S., Altamirano, M.A., Ayala-Varela, F., Cisneros-Heredia, D.F., Endara, A., Márquez, C., Morales, M., Nogales-Sornosa, F., Salvador, P., Torres, M.L., Valencia, J., Villamarín-Jurado, F., Yánez-Muñoz, M.H. & Zárate, P. (2005) Lista Roja de los Reptiles del Ecuador. Fundación Novum Milenium, UICN-Sur, UICN-Comité Ecuatoriano, Ministerio de Educación y Cultura, Serie Proyecto PEEPE. Quito, 46 pp.
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  • Slevin, J.R. (1935) An account of the reptiles inhabiting the Galápagos Islands. Bulletin New York Zoological Society 38: 1-24.
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  • Van Denburgh, J. Slevin, J.R. (1913) The Galapagoan lizards of the genus Tropidurus, with notes on the iguanas of the genera Conolophus and Amblyrhynchus. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 2(1): 133-202, pls. 8-11.
  • Benavides, E. Baum, R., Snell, H.M., Snell, H.L. & Sites, J.W. Jr. (2009) Island biogeography of Galapagos Lava Lizards (Tropiduridae: Microlophus): Species diversity and colonization of the Archipelago. Evolution 63-6: 1606–1626.
  • Benavides, E. Baum, R., MCClellan, D. & Sites, J.W .Jr. (2007) Molecular phylogenetics of the Lizard genus Microlophus (Squamata: Tropidurinae): Aligning and retrieving indel signal from nuclear introns. Syst. Biol. 56(5):776–797. ISSN: 1063-5157 print / 1076-836X online DOI: 10.1080/10635150701618527
  • Bisconti, M. Landini, W., Bianucci, G., Cantalamessa, G., Carnevale, G. Ragaini, L. & Valleri, G. (2001) Biogeographic relationships of the Galapagos terrestrial biota: parsimony analyses of endemicity based on reptiles, land birds and Scalesia land plants. J. Biogeogr. 28: 495-510.
  • Arteaga, A. Bustamante, L., Vierira, J., Tapia, W., Guayasamin, J.M. (2019) Reptiles of the Galapagos Life on the Enchanted Islands Tropical Herping

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"Galapagos Species Database, Microlophus grayii", dataZone. Charles Darwin Foundation, Accessed 3 March 2025.